Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

I've forgotten to do anything for my own mom for about as many years as I've been alive. Somehow, now that I am a mom myself, and I sit around wondering/hoping/expecting something from the hubby for the hallmark holiday, I manage to remember my own mom, and MIL too.

I was inspired by a craft I saw on Grace Violet. Here are the results:

And on the backs, Tyler wrote these and they glued them:

I got the dotted words from here. There are a few different sites that you can make your own handwriting sheets. This site wouldn't make them very big, so I printed them and then magnified them on our copy machine, since Tyler prefers to write BIG. 

Each grandma got one of these, and some other random artwork from recent weeks.

1 comment:

***Sharon*** said...

OHHHHH! That CRAB!!! So cute!

And thanks for the tips on the dots/handwriting sheets!

As far as from the hubby for Mother's Day - this is what I wanted: a steam cleaner or a new frying pan or an area rug. Am I lame or what?


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